Friday, April 2, 2010

crimeless world


CRIMELESS MEANCE Free from crime; innocent dr gudimetla mission and object is to make society crimeless for which every one at least intellectuals in the society are requested to give support.

How do some people decide to commit a crime? Do they think about the benefits and the risks? Why do some people commit crimes regardless of the consequences? Why do others never commit a crime, no matter how desperate their circumstances? Criminology is the study of crime and criminals by specialists called criminologists. Criminologists study what causes crime and how it might be prevented. Throughout history people have tried to explain what causes abnormal social behavior, including crime. I considered crime and sin are the same thing. By the twenty-first century criminologists looking to a wide range of factors to explain why a person would commit crimes. These included biological, psychological, social, and economic.

Reasons for committing a crime include greed, anger, jealously, revenge, or pride. Some people decide to commit a crime and carefully plan everything in advance to increase gain and decrease risk. These people are making choices about their behavior; some even consider a life of crime better than a regular job—believing crime brings in greater rewards, admiration, and excitement—at least until they are caught. Others get an adrenaline rush when successfully carrying out a dangerous crime. Others commit crimes on impulse, out of rage or fear. The desire for material gain (money or expensive belongings) leads to property crimes such as robberies, burglaries, white-collar crimes, and auto thefts. The desire for control, revenge, or power leads to violent crimes such as murders, assaults, and rapes. These violent crimes usually occur on impulse or the spur of the moment when emotions run high. Property crimes are usually planned in advance.

Reaching for the origins of antisocial personality disorders and their influence over crime led to studies of twins and adopted children. Identical twins have the exact same genetic makeup. Researchers found that identical twins were twice as likely to have similar criminal behavior than fraternal twins who have similar but not identical genes, just like any two siblings. Other research indicated that adopted children had greater similarities of crime rates to their biological parents than to their adoptive parents. These studies suggested a genetic basis for some criminal behavior.

Research on brain activity investigated the role of neurochemicals, substances the brain releases to trigger body activity, and hormones influencing criminal behavior. Studies indicated that increased levels of some neurochemicals, such as serotonin, decreases aggression. Serotonin is a substance produced by the central nervous system that has broad sweeping effects on the emotional state of the individual. In contrast higher levels of others, such as dopamine, increased aggression. Dopamine is produced by the brain and affects heart rate and blood pressure. Researchers expected to find that persons who committed violent crimes have reduced levels of serotonin and higher levels of dopamine. Hormones are bodily substances that affect how organs in the body function. Researchers also looked at the relationship between hormones, such as testosterone and cortisol, and criminal behavior. Testosterone is a sex hormone produced by male sexual organs that cause development of masculine body traits. Cortisol is a hormone produced by adrenal glands located next to the kidneys that effects how quickly food is processed by the digestive system. Higher cortisol levels leads to more glucose to the brain for greater energy, such as in times of stress or danger. Animal studies showed a strong link between high levels of testosterone and aggressive behavior. Testosterone measurements in prison populations also showed relatively high levels in the inmates as compared to adult male population in general. Cortisol is another hormone linked to criminal behavior. Research suggested that when the cortisol level is high a person's attention is sharp and he or she is physically active. In contrast, researchers found low levels of cortisol were associated with short attention spans, lower activity levels, and often linked to antisocial behavior including crime. Studies of violent adults have shown lower levels of cortisol; some believe this low level serves to numb an offender to the usual fear associated with committing a crime and possibly getting caught. Studies of sex offenders showed that those who were treated to remove testosterone as part of their sentencing became repeat offenders only 3 percent of the time. This rate was in stark contrast to the usual 46 percent repeat rate. These and similar studies indicate testosterone can have a strong bearing on criminal behavior.

Some social factors pose an especially strong influence over a person's ability to make choices. Drug and alcohol abuse is one such factor. The urge to commit crime to support a drug habit definitely influences the decision process. Both drugs and alcohol impair judgment and reduce inhibitions (socially defined rules of behavior), giving a person greater courage to commit a crime. Deterrents such as long prison sentences have little meaning when a person is high or drunk.

There is no single cause to any disorder, including crime. While clearly we are all ultimately responsible for our own actions, it is wrong to hold an individual wholly responsible for his unlawful act. There are certain factors in our societies, cultures (family values), system (educational, political, law-enforcement...), economy, and so on that endorse the potential of criminal activities of an individual. An organization as a whole should take a part of the blame in order to transform the conditions in which criminal-minds breed.

People are not bad by nature, but sometimes simply too timid to resist the vicious demons that play on their weaknesses and cut their bond with the source of their Power. Humans are good by default, but not everyone is made of steel so as to defend themselves against the demonic forces - destructive emotions and detrimental attitudes like fear, ignorance, hatred, worry, revenge, envy, attachment, greed, lust, selfishness, doubt, prejudice, pride, vanity, impatience, sloth, discrimination, arrogance, ambition, addiction, gluttony, criticism, blame, anxiety, frustration and so on. We all get attacked by those faulty ethereal goblins of our minds and hearts, but most of us succeed to resist them.but some people cannot.

Certain weakness like-

1. Lack of faith, not believing enough in the power of one's own internal weapons (against inner demons), such as: courage, tolerance, understanding, forgiveness, mercy, honesty, sincerity, integrity, honor, modesty, humbleness, generosity, love, compassion, kindness, detachment, patience, self-discipline, temperance, etc. As a result of not trusting inner resources, there is no enough motivation to develop them and use them. Art Solutions - get the freecrime cure (the link is below); watch inspirational films and read inspirational stories of good qualities conquering the bad ones.

2. Imbalance - most criminals are simply too strong physically, pumping up the body muscles, but not enough the mental and emotional muscles. The reason why their strength becomes weakness is because they are not balanced. Art Therapy Solutions - get the free artistic crime cure (the link is below); Underneath all the weaknesses is a genuine human desire to do well. When we de link ourselves from our source (Higher Power), we find ourselves either in a wrong relationship or in a wrong job, or simply in a wrong place at wrong time, but also in a wrong state of mind - causing us to do the wrong things, on the wrong side of tracks.

3 Poor judgment - Lack of proper education and great role-models causes many to fail to distinguish right from wrong. In most cases offenders don't think they are doing something wrong, it seems right from their point of view. Poor judgment is also reflected in knowing it's wrong, but thinking they could get away with it, not getting caught. Art Therapy Solutions - get the free crime cure (the link is below)

4 Lack of love - Being raised in a dysfunctional family, or coming from a disadvantaged background, or feeling discriminated, none of it alone can cause crime. There are so many others in the world with such conditions, but nevertheless don't turn to crime. However they cause the lack of love and respect for others. That, endorsed with some other factors, can be a major issue related to crime.

5 Poverty - Poverty is often blamed for leading to crime, however underneath is something more vital - society bombards us with commercial values, making us want more and more material things, to the point when some would do anything (including criminal acts) to get them. Unemployment is another factor in this category that contributes to crime through looking ways to earn money by any means possible.

6 TV violence

7 Being a victim in a chain of events - Sometimes individuals don't mean to cause harm, but are drawn into it by a chain of events that are beyond their control or influence.

8 Poor parenting skills - erratic or harsh discipline, lack of parental control, supervision and monitoring, parental conflict, family dysfunction/breakdown, criminal, anti-social and/or alcoholic parent/s Fatherlessness is also one of underestimated cause of crime.

9 Ecological - It has long been known by police officers that cold winter nights keep criminals off the streets and crime levels down. Crime scientists speculate that one of the hidden consequences of global warming will be an increase in street crime during mild winters. Studies have suggested that warmer temperatures boost aggression hormones such as epinephrine and testosterone.

Converting - to convert a criminal into honorable citizen it takes more than implementing fear of punishment. Arts can do wonders in transforming any individual, including criminals

Too many people with mental distress experience crime or victimisation as a result of hostility, stigma and prejudice towards mental ill health Must reduce the number of people who are addicted to drugs are at times incapable of making rational judgments or controlling their actions because they are on drugs. The other things already mentioned will help move us in this direction. We don't know what all it will take, or if what our government is doing is heading us in the right direction. We would only suggest looking seriously at the big controversy on this, and don't assume that something as easy as passing a law will work. Banning drugs hasn't worked for quite a few years now. We may actually have to stop entertaining ourselves once in a while to do the things that need to be done of hostility based on disability.

Juvenile crime is a blanket term that refers to any of a number of criminal acts which are perpetrated by minors. While adult crime is typically well understood from a criminal psychology perspective, the range and causes of juvenile crime are a bit more vague in terms of our understanding. In any case, juvenile crime poses a unique threat and responsibility to society to address and prevent before it can cause devastating consequences. Some of the most common forms of juvenile crime are vandalism, harassment, drug use and sales, as well as gang related violence and battery.While researchers do not agree upon the causes of juvenile crime, there are a number of risk factors which are associated with statistically higher incidence and dangers for a given community of youths to engage in juvenile crime. Some of the major risk factors which have been found to increase the danger of juvenile crime are poverty, and the presence of drugs and drug related violence in a particular community.

Domestic violence within the home is also a significant player in many lives of juvenile delinquents. Exposure to violent streets which already suffer from gang violence have also been found to play a significant role in increasing the incidence of juvenile delinquency in a particular area. Compounded with easy access to fire arms, exposure to violence in the media, as well as an unstable family environment, the risks for juvenile crime become exceedingly significant. While many people expect the state to address the issues of juvenile crime, the expected effectiveness of a state sponsored program is not high concerning the prevention of crime, but rather it is focused on the rehabilitation of delinquents after criminal acts have already been executed.

Since juvenile crime begins in the home, it will only be prevented at the societal level. Close knit societies can influence and address the problems facing the youth in a particular area and give them the support they need to reject negative peer pressure. Part of preventing juvenile crime is by giving youths a suitable substitute to the gang mentality. That being said, some of the more common state run projects to preclude juvenile crime are state sponsored youth initiatives as well as drug abuse education. Along with these activities
        Young people shoot and kill each other and their elders just for the sake of wasting someone. Drugs, alcohol, promiscuity and instant gratification have replaced honesty, love, kindness, consideration, choice and consequence in generations of our young people. When the virtues of self-sacrifice are abandoned in a society-watch out! Out comes the evil counter-culture committing every evil act imaginable and we see it today. At this point laws come into play! If these self serving evil acts are not met with good laws and the quick enforcement of those laws a much larger and more ugly problem is on the way and that problem is called vigilante
Drug use is much more closely correlated with criminal behavior than is mental disorder. Also must reduce the number of people who are addicted to drugs it is also due to above regions or are at times The region for this is also above mentioned causes Drug Addictionis a biological phenomenon and includes both psychic and physical dependence
Addiction is a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use despite harmful consequences to the individual who is addicted and to those around them. Drug addiction is a brain disease because the abuse of drugs leads to changes in the structure and function of the brain. Although it is true that for most people the initial decision to take drugs i

Biology. The genes that people are born with––in combination with environmental influences––account for about half of their addiction vulnerability Behavior disorder

Domestic violence is a real problem, especially when alcohol is involved. More than 50% of incidents of domestic violence involve alcohol. When someone is drunk, it can result in violent and erratic behavior. Many women and children are beat severely when drunken family members are moved to rage for causes that may not even be apparent. It is also true that women can become increasingly violent, abusing their children and even their male partners when under the influence of alcohol.

In addition to domestic violence, it is important to that more than half of all homicides involve alcohol. The ability to retain control over one’s feelings and actions is important, and alcohol removes these inhibitions. One third of suicides are alcohol related, and 25% of all emergency room admissions are in some way related to alcohol use. It is clear that a great deal of crime and pain could be avoided by reducing alcohol abuse.

A number of traffic offenses occur every year, with a little help from alcohol abuse. From erratic driving to fatalities, alcohol is a very influential factor in the type of traffic related crimes seen. According the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 32% of total traffic fatalities involve a drive with a blood alcohol level in excess of 0.08. While most of these fatalities are the drivers themselves, in some instances the passenger riding with the drunk driver, other occupants of the car, or even occupants of another car or pedestrians are the victims. This can be devastating for many family members affected by drunk driving. The Centers for Disease Control estimate that right around 105,000 alcohol related deaths due to drunk drivers and diseases and injuries related to drunk driving.

Drivers who survive traffic accidents can be charged with different offenses related to driving under the influence of alcohol. DUI is one of the crimes, but if someone has died, it is possible for a drunk driver to be charged with involuntary manslaughter or even vehicular manslaughter. It is important to be aware of this possibility, and to try to avoid drunk driving. Using a designated driver is preferred, or taking a taxi home.

Another alcohol related crime is underage drinking’ require drinkers to have reached the age of 21 before they are legally allowed to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages. However, many children begin drinking well before turning 21. It is very important to address underage drinking, because it can have serious consequences later in life. Indeed, 40% of those who start drinking prior to the age of 13 end up being dependent on alcohol.

• Alcohol increases by three times the chance that a nighttime crash will be fatal in the age group 15 - 20.

• Alcohol is the most prominent substance used by teenagers. More teenagers have had alcohol than have tried cigarettes and marijuana combined.

It is vital that you understand the prevalence of alcohol related crime, and take steps to reduce its likely impact in your own life.

Crime is neither mental disorder nor necessarily evidence of such disorder. It is a misconception that all criminals are "sick," especially those who commit apparently senseless crimes or particularly serious crimes such as murder or rape. The concepts of crime and of mental disorder should be kept distinct. Crime is a violation of the criminal law, whereas mental disorder refers to behavior that is usually marked by some type of lack of the general capacity for rationality and accompanying distress or dysfunction. Conduct resulting from mental disorder may or may not be criminal and people with mental disorder may or may not be legally responsible for the behavior that mental disorder produces; criminal behavior, by contrast, is often highly rational. Thus, some crime is the product of mental disorder, but to consider all crime as a manifestation of such disorder would tend both to eliminate any sensible boundaries to the concept of mental disorder and to play havoc with generally accepted notions of morality and accountability. The influential factors are constitution of family, age , occupation of the different members, the industrial, economical and political condition. Our reactions are directed by our intelligence but there is no doubt that in most of our acts may originate from several motives, although one of these may be conscious. That psychological process that under lie human conduct motive the person’s attitude and reaction to the prevailing situation. What create the criminal impulse menace we must consider several factors 1,Persons tendencies and situation of the movement.2 His mental resistance against temptation here I want to tell every person have tendencies and counter tendencies, thoughts and counter thoughts, and a emotion may cause a counter emotions and imbalance of these two or differ in strength may cause criminal brain As per science crime is more or less result of of human tendencies These depends on three factors 1,criminalist tendencies2 mental resistance and situation. The origin of the crime can be hereditary or environmental elements Too many people with mental distress experience crime or victimisation as a result of hostility, stigma and prejudice towards mental ill health. This is called "disability hate crime", and includes any criminal offence that is motivated by hostility based on the victim's disability, or presumed disability. Courts have a duty to treat these crimes more seriously and increase the sentence for any offence where there is evidence of hostility based on disability

The criminal behavior of people with mental disorders is difficult to estimate with precision because reliable data are hard to obtain. Many mentally disordered persons and many criminal acts never come to the attention of public authorities. Older studies of the issue, although suggestive, suffered from serious methodological flaws. Based on recent community-based studies that examine all criminal behavior, whether or not an offender is arrested and convicted, we can cautiously estimate that, in general, people with major mental disorders, such as schizophrenia or severe depression, are not at greater risk for criminal behavior than people without disorder. Drug use is much more closely correlated with criminal behavior than mental disorder. People with and without major mental disorders who abuse illegal drugs and alcohol are equally and far more likely to engage in crime than people who do not use drugs, but people with mental disorders are about seven times more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol than people without disorders. Thus, although drug use independently accounts for more crime than major mental disorder, the prevalence of criminal behavior among people with mental disorder may be greater because they are at much greater risk of drug use. People with less severe mental disorders, such as personality disorders, are at even greater risk for criminal behavior if they use illegal drugs and alcohol than people with major mental disorders or people without disorders.

Depression is one of the most common disorder for using complementary and alternative therapies. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the evidence available on the treatment of depression with complementary therapies. Systematic literature searches were performed using several databases, reference list searching, and inquiry to colleagues. Data extraction followed a predefined protocol. The amount of rigorous scientific data to support the efficacy of complementary therapies in the treatment of depression is extremely limited. The areas with the most evidence for beneficial effects are exercise, herbal therapy (Hypericum perforatum), and, to a lesser extent, acupuncture and relaxation therapies. There is a need for further research involving randomized controlled trials into the efficacy of complementary and alternative therapies in the treatment of depression.

As I already gave elaborate information what causes the people to became a criminal it is 1, Genetic 2, environmental

3, Mental problems like lack of faith,imbelence,poor judgment,poverty,lack of love, TV valence Poor parenting skills Ecological Weakness fear, ignorance, hatred, worry, revenge, envy, attachment, greed, lust, selfishness, doubt, prejudice, pride, vanity, impatience, sloth, discrimination, arrogance, ambition, addiction, gluttony, criticism, blame, anxiety, frustrationgree,anger,jealous,revenge,power and incapable of making rational gergements and controlling their actions.

As I told it is behavior problem the criminal behavior of people with mental disorders is difficult to estimate with precision because reliable data are hard to obtain. The Human mind has many secrets and powers that the science of Psychiatry has not discovered yet. The entire human body is like a very complicated, complex factory. Every tie scientists think they have discovered something...years after they find out their theory which they think they have proved...was wrong.


Today each one of us has a greater chance of being a victim of violent crime than being hurt in a traffic accident

Homeopathy is a holistic form of medicine. In treating an illness it takes into account the unique emotional and physical traits of the individual concerned. So the medicine prescribed for two patients suffering from the same disease will be given different medicines according different characters, temperaments, reactions etc categorizes people into constitutional types. In homeopathic terms a person's constitution is his /her inherited and acquired physical, emotional and intellectual Apart from the symptoms of the disease homeopathy consider aspects of physical and psychological state of the patients in recommending the remedy Man is a triune being, spiritual, mental, physical. All diseases, or disorders, partake of these three realms. Therefore, we treat the man, not his organs by themselves. We strive to learn the patient's reactions to the disorder present, reactions in the spiritual, mental and physical spheres. We become acquainted with him and try to separate the abnormal or morbid in his case from that which is normal. It means suiting a remedy to the patient, not to one of his parts, whether this remedy is well known for the disease in question or not. It means preparing the remedy to act on the plane of this particular patient's disorder.

Every individual has his nature which will be similar throughout his life. A child may be formed, but he can be formed or can form himself only according to his nature, which is almost homoeostatic. This homoeostatic state can be called the constitution. The constitution is "what is" and the temperament is "what becomes" The Temperament of a child may change over time, and be affected by many external factors, such a the physical and emotional environment in which the child is raised, the illnesses to which they are exposed, vaccinations, drugs used, and so on.

Four categories of temperaments:1, happy-go-lucky,2, irritable,3, hyperactive,4, cerebral. Most common is the happy-go-lucky, smiling type. While some rare children needing Sulphur may be shy during the first visit, this shyness will usually only last for a few seconds or minutes at most before their natural curiosity takes over and they begin to explore both the office and the doctor. (Calcarea Carbonica) children discover early in life that they are slower than others their age. During play, they find themselves slow at games and sports. The first characteristic noticed about these children is how close they sit to their parents

Mentally the psychotic patient is suspicious, jealous, quarrelsome, self-condemnatory and later degenerate. There are various catarrhal discharges often with a fishbrine odor, which relieve mental disturbances and all sorts of arthritic manifestations.

syphilitic remedies, syphilis also has its own characteristics: mental dullness; stupidity; depression which produces sullen silence; fixed ideas; slowness of comprehension; aggravated all night and better all day: restlessness and anxiety all night; headache all night. Destruction tendency both mentally and physically, tendency to destruction of bones and other tissues Homeopathy has been used with great success to treat physical and mental illness. See how this natural, holistic and alternative form of medicine could be very useful in the treatment of: 1. Addiction: drug and alcohol abuse, prescription drug abuse, gambling addiction, eating disorders. 2. Mental Health: Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, mental illness, homelessness. 3. Criminal Behavior: first offense, probation, hardened criminals, sex offenders. 4. Juvenile Crime: learning and behavior disorders, foster care issues, gang behavior. Homeopathy is able to correct the deep imbalance that lies at the bottom of many of the above mental health issues. The homeopathic remedy stimulates the individual's mind to bring themselves into balance.The remedy given restores balance to the many systems of the body that keep us well.Homeopathy can effectively help the body rebalance its own hormones without hormone replacement therapy.

Psora –hypo (less development of brain. less development of physic, lack, scanty, less, weakness, inhibitory tendency)

Psychosis- hyper (catarrhal, copies perspiration, hyperplasia, hypertrophy, hypertension, exacerbation excessive movement i.e. restlessness.)

Syphilitic- Destruction, formation of ulcers, mind distraction, suicidal tendencies, melancholy, depression

Tubercular- alternation of hypo and hyper ( periodicity alternation intermittent ,Dissatisfaction)
All cured cases of behavioral abnormalities should be followed by a dose of TUBERCULINUM in high potencies to prevent the advancement of virulent Miasmas.
In making crime less society every one must give free hand to educate people regarding importance of homeopathy in changing mentality. Homeopathic doctors must contribute to serve these criminals by treating his mental condition here government must feel responsibility in taking this treatment to the criminals. Service organizations must take the responsibility on their shoulders.

My main mission is to see crime less society as I have given elaborate description, homeopathy medicine will change both constitution and mind. Because the medicine is not crude as like other systems the action of the medicine is in dynamic nature and it controls vital force in which hormonal imbalance is one of the part. One important information to both intellectuals and to service organigetions and homeopathic doctors, this program must go in the level of every criminal. Every one must feel proud in changing the mind of a criminal. It is not only helping him but also helping society is nothing but our selves. The fruits of this action may not receive with in one or two years but made success in the course of time. Here I request all people and doctors, it is not to popularize homeopathic system. Other system is also good number of drugs but the medicines are costly, has to take treatment forever, and lastly side effects are more medicines. Cost with homeopathy is negligible. Mostly treatment period 6 months to one year and no side effects. Here I want to stress one important thing this program can be taken into public only with the cooperation of government. Because the criminals are in the control of police and the govt. Making a suggestion is very essay but implementing this program is a great venture it needs hard work, determination devotion what not. Only positive factor is that this program is neither costly nor dangerous to any one. This drug cannot be miss utilized. No need to take special care. Because of these drugs no systemic disorders will come though utilized by others. Not only in India whole world need to implement this program. Though some countries (few) not recognized homeopathy fully, as far as this program it is need to them to implement in making their society healthy. Even today some people do not believe homeopathy I request them let you not use homeopathy for your personal health and it no way related to society but please give much cooperation in taking this program into masses. Some people are asking scientific answer how the medicine acts on dynamic plan. I do admit and welcome your question. But with our naked eye we are seeing miracles with homeopathic medicine. Any way do not belive. Request only cooperation towards this program because as you think the drugs are not harmful. Today in this globel village doctors can prescribe medicine from far away by taking mental attitude, temperament, behavior problem, family history act. If possible doctors personally can treat or trained paramedical staff can take all necessary information and pass on to doctor to prescribe remedy. In the process of giving prescription it will not be 100 percent success. Even 50 percent right prescription make this program success gradually in 2nd attempt and in 3 rd attempt.

Already there are good number of doctors in India and in abroad in implementing the program WHO need to workout and support this program. So I request both governments, WHO, Service organigetions need to take steps to implement after consultation with concern persons and their advisers

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